Thursday, October 31, 2013

Children's Point of View

I love listening to kids speak. I love how they put words together, often amazed at word choice, and their enunciation. Of course, its always easier to understand your own kids. But, do they understand each other?


We were at the ENT for a checkup for Hannah. We were sitting in the exam room, waiting for the doctor, when Madelyn decided to strike up a conversation.

"Today is Parent Teacher Conferences. My teacher made all of us clean the entire room! I worked on the bookcase with Kaileigh, Rachael, and Shadai."

"She died?!?" Hannah interjected.

Madelyn and I looked at each other quizzically. Confused.

"What, honey? Who died?" I asked.

"Madelyn said she died!"

Madelyn repeated her statement. "I worked on the bookcase with Kaileigh, Rachael, and Shadai." At that moment, Madelyn and I locked eyes and burst out laughing. Hannah had heard Shadai as 'she died'. She was concerned that Rachael died!

Hannah couldn't understand our amusement. How could we be laughing over something so traumatic as Rachael dying!

I slowed down the statement and rearranged the names. Madelyn decided that she will lead with Shadai's name from now on to eliminate any confusion.


Tonight, being Halloween, I ordered pizza. I wanted them to have full tummys before we struck out on the Great Candy Quest. Okay, I wanted a fully tummy, too. I can't resist the Twix tax. (The girls have to give me any Twix as a tax for me taking them trick or treating.)

After Audrey declared she was done, she pushed away from the table.

"Now, go wash your hands, honey."


"Yep. What do we do when we are done?"

"Wash hands?"


She sat and pondered it. I moved to Hannah and was talking about how excited she was to hand out candy tonight. (Refer to previous blog about her giving heart)

Meanwhile, Audrey is rambling about Middy. She keeps getting louder and louder. I was getting upset because she has yet to get down and go wash up.

"Audrey! Hush! Now go wash your hands!"

She threw her palms in the air with a huge smile.

"Nope. Don't have to. Middy washed them!"

So, apparently, she was holding them under the table and letting Middy lick them off.

Good grief.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grins and Giggles

Last night, around 2 AM, I heard blood-curdling screams coming from Audrey's room. I rushed in there to find her, after my eyes adjusted, caught between her bed rail and her mattress. She was standing on the floor, but still laying her head on her pillow.

Once she realized I was there, she changed her tune.

She immediately quit screaming and begun begging "Lil hep here?!? Lil hep here?!?"

It took me a minute to compose myself, as I had burst out laughing, and I couldn't even stand up straight, let alone lift her 25 pound body from its entrapment.

She fell back asleep immediately after I laid her across her bed properly. But, it took me a good twenty minutes to settle down myself.


This morning, after taking Madelyn to school, the girls were sitting in their chairs, coloring.

Hannah says, "I need a drink!"

"Well," I reply. "You have a bottle of water in the fridge for your own personal use."

"Get it for me?"

"No. I am not your servant."

"But, Mommy! I thought we were best friends?!?"

I brought her the bottle of water. She had never used the word 'friend' towards me and it brought a chuckle to me how she used to so manipulatively.

But, I won't let it happen again. It was just so cute.


 If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

Friday, April 5, 2013

When Life Hits Reality

So I know I haven't posted since November. I have been struggling with where I want the next ten years of my life to go. I know that I really have no choice in the matter, but I have my wonders.

I have started working as a volunteer at the Survivor Outreach Services Family Center. I am the 'behind the scenes' lady that does publications and manages the social media websites. I really enjoy it. I love the cause. Working to help the families who have lost a soldier seems pretty honorable to me. I haven't gotten fired. Yet.

I have also taken on the responsibilities of the FRG Leader. I help coordinate the flow of information from Command to the families of the soldiers. It is interesting. I was surprised at how many reports it requires. I am a volunteer civilian. I can't imagine what Active Duty NCOs have to do.

In the last few months we have traveled to Kansas for Christmas and Spring Break. I have lost an Uncle, which leaves all of the cousins on my Dad's side of the family without fathers. I spent some time with my Grandma as my Grandfather healed in the Kansas Heart Hospital from three stints, and sat through a diagnosis explaining why Audrey's heart isn't operating correctly.  All in all, we have been a very strong family. Jay is coming home in a few hours from a month-long school 10 hours away. So, we have been pretty blessed.

My heart is heavy tonight, though. The all-to-familiar cycle of make friends-leave friends has reared its ugly head.  I have met a wonderful woman with two babies. We have gotten extremely close. She let me be her "Misty" on several occasions. It was such an honor to help her with her family, and to watch her develop as a person going from a mother of one to a mother of two. I haven't figured out how to deal with my emotions with this beast, yet. So, I did what I normally do.

I made a video of our children playing together.

When Can I See You Again by Owl City

Now I have to go find the tooth fairy. Apparently, Madelyn has had a loose tooth, but kept it a secret. She came in crying this morning because she popped it out last night, and placed it under her pillow. She claimed the tooth is gone, but the lousy fairy didn't leave any money. After some consoling, we decided that she was broke, because Hockey is back on, and she has to pay a LOT of money to those knuckle heads who get theirs knocked out.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email