Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homecoming 2012

Yey! I got the video done! So excited!

This is his return from his fourth deployment. Three to Iraq, and one to Afghanistan.

Already slated for another in late 2013 :(


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

A Soldier's Welcome

Finally getting around to posting the video we all made for Jay's return.

He was on a plane direct from Germany to El Paso, and from Afghanistan direct to Germany just before that. Unfortunately, he was three hours later than planned, and he was so so exhausted.

So, when we got him home and to his chair, we played this video for him.

He returned on July 26th. The homecoming footage in the video was from his R&R back in January.

A week after his homecoming, his mom had a little heart-spell. We went on emergency leave for a month to go spend time with her, and to take a small vacation.  She is doing well now, and we are back home in our regular routines.

I am trying to get the actual homecoming footage organized. So stay tuned for that!


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


A few evenings ago, I walked into the girls' room to see what they were up to. They were playing Barbies. I didn't think anything of it.

Until I noticed that Madelyn's Barbie's hair was tangled in Prom King Ken's crown.

"How did she get her hair caught, Madelyn?"

"I guess from being in the tub," she replied, shakily.

"Oh really? You sure they weren't... kissing?"

Blatant stare. Dropped Jaw.

"I saw you through the crack of the door. So you can tell me what your dolls were doing, or you can make up a creative story. The latter will result in punishment, but I am curious as to what you will come up with. You choose."

Embarrassed grin.

"Well, they were kissing, Mom. But, seriously! They are in High School! You can't expect me to have them act like they are in Kindergarten!"

Well played, Child. Well Played.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com