Saturday, October 6, 2012

Seriously? Seriously...

Today was Saturday. We started the day by shopping for Halloween costumes. I can't do that again this year.  I am so tired of little girls changing their minds. It was horrible!  I am glad Audrey has no choice. She's Elmo.

After we got home and had lunch, Jay fell asleep on the floor watching football. The girls and I went to my bedroom and played. I gave them my make-up bag and they 'decorated' me. It was fun.


I noticed that Audrey had dumped all the loose bronzer out into the carpet. She was painting the closet wall with it.

In a panic, I lept up to get to cleaning. Dawn in a dish rag worked great on the closet door. Spray-N-Wash from the laundry room tackled the carpet. I was busy rinsing the carpet by pouring water over it and soaking it up repeatedly when I heard the girls bickering from the dining room.

Dining room / Office

Yes, it ended up being a squabble over who got to play JumpStart on the computer first.

I told them to back up so I could log them in.

They just stared at me.

"Honey, move over. I need to pull the chair out so I can sit to log you in."

Blank stares.

I tried to sneak through them, but knocked Hannah with my elbow.

"See?!? I asked you to move, but you didn't. I wasn't just trying to listen to myself talk. It was for a reason. I am sorry Hannah, but you should have stepped aside."

Madelyn jumped to her defense.

"Mom, how do you expect us to take you seriously looking like that?"

I thought about it.

I really had no idea what she was talking about.


Later, after supper, Jay was taking the training wheels off of Madelyn's bike. Hannah was his assistant.

"Hannah, you have a runny nose. Go take care of that before we play."

"Oh, ha, Daddy! It's okay! I can wipe it with my tongue," as she proceeds to lick the top of her top lip in a hilarious manner.

"Oh Hannah! That is so gross!"

It's nice to see 'kid' in her sometimes!


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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