Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sisterly Fun

Now that Daylight Savings Time has come to an end, I chose to reflect on our fun in the evenings using natural daylight.  Since we are at the Eastern foothills of the Franklin Mountains, the sun sets around ten before five in the evening now.  That makes for a very long night in the Hare Hut. We do not get to play in the park after supper, anymore. Cabin fever will strike in our near future.

Last week was our last quest in the sandbox behind our house. The older girls each have a bucket and a shovel.  They plop down and begin to fill their pails quickly. You would think that they would get bored with this routine, but they don't.  Every time, they race to the swing set and begin digging furiously. Audrey gets her tiny baby legs threaded through the infant swing and coos after a mighty shove.  I step back and stare in amazement that all three girls are content and quiet.

After about ten minutes, Audrey began letting me know she had had enough of the swing.  I lifted her out and she attempted a swan dive to the ground below. I stumbled and caught her, then lowered her gently onto the sand. She was having a grand ol' time smacking that stuff around. She had learned how to use the shovel by watching her sisters, too. She used it to pile sand up on top of the pink pail.

I guess she got tired of sitting there, because she turned mobile on me. She doesn't crawl in the traditional sense of the word. She has a weird scoot that she does. She sits up, places her left heel down and leans onto her hands. She then swings her butt forward and lunges for another scoot. It resembles something of how an orangutan would run on its knuckles. It's quite a sight to see. It's another to discover the tracks that it leaves in the sand afterwards...

She was wanting back in the swing. I was ready to lift her back up there, then I noticed a lot of giggling coming from behind her.  This is what I saw...

Madelyn and Hannah were mimicking Baby Audrey.  They thought that they were pretty clever and were laughing almost hysterically. I was, too.

My Three Hams

It made out to be a pretty fun evening.  The windy season is upon us and we've endured two sandstorms in the past week. It was a blessing to be able to play outside that one last evening.

I was thinking of my three girls, and the memories that we are making together, while I was driving around town yesterday.  Jay and I are so blessed to have them in our lives.  They truly are amazing.

Madelyn turned seven yesterday, and I was trying to find her a special gift. I had just left Wal-Mart and was headed to Target. On my way out of the toy aisle, I grabbed their special ToyLand Christmas Catalog. Hannah leafed through it, and tossed it in the truck while I was buckling Audrey into her carseat.  Apparently it landed within Audrey's reach. I turned around to smile at my little girls and this is what I saw...

Audrey was reading the catalog. It was right side up and everything! I had to take a picture. It was priceless.

I love my girls!

If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

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