Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Parade

I had a rare experience tonight. I got to spend time with Madelyn. Alone. And, it was great!

Hannah has been suffering from a lower respiratory infection for several days. Audrey is still recovering from a serious ear infection. So there has been a lot of drama in this house. And a lot of whining. Of course, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so Madelyn has been feeling pretty neglected lately.

Tonight, Gramma told me to take Madelyn to the Christmas parade without the two little girls. I jumped at that opportunity.

A tad after six, we were barreling down the driveway in our truck, talking excitedly about how much fun it will be to just have some Mommy-Maddy time.

Thirty minutes before the parade began, we parked a few blocks from Main street and Madelyn climbed up into the passenger street next to me. We each had our own hot chocolate mug and we sipped in the dark glow of the radio light. For me, it was magical. For her, it was time to gossip.

"So, tell me about how you met Daddy..."

"Well, back when I was in college, ...." Insert long cheesy story here.

"Did he kiss you goodnight?"

"Kind of. He held me tight, and kissed me on the forehead. I just melted right there on the spot."

"Oh, really? Is that why you love kisses on the forehead so much?"

"Yes, sweetie. It's something special that your Daddy does."

"What was your second date?"

"Hmm.  Well, we went to a museum in Topeka. There was an exhibit of the faberge eggs."

"That sounds...boring."

"It could have been. But, Daddy made it fun."

We sipped some hot chocolate. I went on to tell her about how Daddy left for the invasion, and came home later that summer. I told her about how we had to move our wedding date up by six months because he was scheduled to deploy again. I told her about when we found out we were having a beautiful baby, who was to be her. She was putty in my hands.

"I like a boy, Mommy."

Oh boy. It's starting. I can hear her father cocking a shotgun at the thought.

"Oh how exciting, honey! Who?"

She named the boy. For her privacy, I will not share it. But, I am definitely paying attention to her classmates from now on! I want to put a face with the name.

We finished our hot chocolate, and climbed out of the truck. We were bundled up and moved to our spot on Main Street.  Apparently Ward's Bootery was now home to Merle Norman Cosmetics. We huddled back in the recess of the entry way out of the wind for the remaining ten minutes.

The parade was a lot of fun. Madelyn got lots of candy, and I got a cool Hallmark photo frame Christmas Ornament.

We both bonded, and that is something that I will carry away with me and hold dear to my heart.

She will, too.

She just won't know it for a few years...


 If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email


  1. I know the boys name. DUSTIN....right?? :)

  2. Aww-you melted! ;)
    I love one on one time with the kids you find out so much more about the inner workings of your little one. ~cv


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