Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Spontaneous Fun!

Well, our plans for this past weekend changed about four times in the last month. I was frustrated, because I could have spent it with a friend that I hadn't seen for a very long time. But, instead of trying to un-cancel our visit, I decided to just drop in on Norman, Oklahoma and surprise them. I already had plans rescheduled with my friend, and didn't want to change those, again.

We live with the Military. We only know change. :)

Anyway, I loaded up my three girls on Friday after school, and we headed south. After stopping in Tulsa for an hour and a half at a McDonald's Play Place, we finished our 252 mile journey around eight that evening.  We checked into our hotel, but weren't sleepy. Audrey had slept the last hour, so she was rearing to explore.

First place to visit?


Three kiddie swim-suits later, we were back at the hotel having a picnic on the girls' bed. No way was I letting them eat their chicken strips on my bed. They can keep their crumbs. :)

The next morning we met some friends at a rec center. Their son was playing basketball. I had never been in a setting where all fans cheered for both teams when a shot was attempted. These boys were eight years old and so stinkin' cute! There was not one parent upset at the coach for lack of playing time, nor a scowl towards a ref. It was very refreshing!

We went back to their house and turned the kids loose. We are so blessed that all six of our kids play so well together.

After lunch and an Audrey nap, we travelled to Moore to meet a newborn baby. He was amazing! Yes, I do have baby fever. I will admit it.  I was scared to hold this amazing gift for fear of really wanting another one. But, Audrey let me know, under no uncertain terms, that I was to stay away from the baby. I had never heard her reach the octave that she did, nor hear that level of decibels before.  But, my retreat was clear and evident.

After gazing at the T-man, we were back at our hotel, ready for some swimming fun.

Audrey wasted no time for wiping the pizza from her face. She was ready for the pool!  Friend #3 met us there with her two girls and we had a grand ol' time! Hannah swam with an awesome floaty that Friend #1 let us borrow. She was out there all alone in it, but paddling away. It was a riot.

We were about fifteen minutes into our splashing fun when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over towards him, and it was a dad getting out of the pool quickly, with his son held up above him.  He pointed to something.

Something in the water.

Something mysteriously gooey in the water.

I didn't take much time to investigate.  It was headed my way.  I looked at my friend and we both screamed at our kids.


We had our ducks under our wings near our table when the courage set in.

Yep. We got brave.

We had to know what it was!

So did the twenty other people who were previously in the pool.

It was so funny. Imagine an indoor pool that is about the size of a small two-bedroom house. It is dark, and very steamy. The only good lighting was from the sources that were under the water level.  Now, put about ten adults creeping slowly towards the edge from all angles.

Then we realize what it is, and all of us yell, "Ewww! It's vomit!" at the same time.

It was kind of funny, in retrospect.

We've got our kids in towels and we are ready for a mass exit. I knew the back way out. We took full advantage of it.

So that was some excitement that the girls will remember for a while.

Wish the excitement could have been me winning the lottery. :)

On our way home, I found myself following part of the shaft of a giant wind turbine.

He had a police escort from south of Bartlesville through north Dewey.  It was annoying because they went so slow and didn't allow anyone to pass.  I have sympathy for extreme circumstances, but they could have let a few cars by every once in a while! If they had heard Audrey screaming like I had to, I bet they would have let me lead. No siren needed!

We got back to Gramma's house around one. Audrey went right to sleep and Madelyn and Hannah worked at their craft table. I hauled our gear in and crashed on the floor. It is exhausting having three little kids in a hotel alone.  I had to take them with me every trip to the truck when I was loading it to come home, just like I did when I made my trips up to the room to carry our stuff up.  Audrey goes to bed at 7:30, so we all had to go to bed at 7:30 on Saturday night. I didn't think I could pull that off, but I did!  Hannah and Madelyn had no idea what the time was. They were tired from swimming that entire fifteen minutes.

I had never been to bed that early in years!

It was so refreshing, I decided to do it Sunday night, too. Only it was 8:34 before I could lay down.

But, Gramma and Papa D came home from their weekend on Sunday, and we played outside.

We play outside "Gramma Style".

Yep. After being strapped in car seats for five hours earlier that morning, they still were excited to go for a ride.

Go figure.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

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