Thursday, October 27, 2011

Time Does NOT March On

I have been struggling with sleep for the past three months. Audrey just doesn't accept that it is imperative that I get a minimum of six hours of sleep a day to be considered human. If those hours are consecutive, then that would be the icing on the cake. But, lately, I have only been getting two at a time. Occasionally. Rarely. Humph.

The only way that I have known to trudge through another day is by consuming caffeine.  Of course, this antidote reaps havoc on Audrey's little system, thus creating an evil circle of events. Audrey is up at night. I consume coffee to get through day. Coffee gets to Audrey when she nurses. Caffeine upsets Audrey's stomach. Audrey up all night, et cetera. I decided that keeping my heart rate up all day would be a good way to break that cycle. Who needs coffee?

Yes. I know my cousin, Allison, would be able to give me a great argument for the stuff. I would be totally on her side, too.  But, alas, I must sever the tie.

I think I can feel Allison wince as she reads this. I agree. It will be painful.

So, if heart rate is my answer, then I need to find ways to keep my blood pumping. Kids screaming while they run around is enough to raise the blood pressure of any body. But, I needed something physical to do.

Let's clean out the storage closet in the car port!  I took pictures.

The right side: Before
The right side: After
Center: Before
Center: After
I was pretty proud of my work. I didn't throw a thing away either. My husband had ravaged that sucker before he left. Instead of making everything fit nicely, he just threw it back in there. I am not complaining at all, because I know a lot of men do the same thing. I learned this fact at my last MoPS meeting. 

Whew! I must have killed a lot of time. Audrey and Hannah were in the car port cheering me on the whole time. I felt like a champion. 

I checked my phone for the time.

Ten minutes. Ten minutes had passed. Oh boy. What now?

I looked around and noticed the big tree in the back yard. The property management was going to have it trimmed the next day. So I decided to take some pictures of it before its makeover.

Okay, the tree wasn't interesting. The monkey in it was, however. I took many more shots, but I didn't want to bore everyone to death. Audrey had fallen asleep, so she didn't get to play with us. Next time.

The wind started to kick up. As you can tell by the background of the photo that we have no grass or landscaping here. So when the wind blows, so does the sand. A sand storm can take over in just a matter of minutes. So I hurried up and snapped a shot of it coming over the mountains.

I grabbed my monkey and we headed inside.  Now what to do?!? Hannah wiped the hair from her eyes.

Ah ha! Hair cut! Her hair has been bugging me for such a long time. Bangs have got to go.

I lead my little toddler into my bathroom and perched her on the counter in front of the mirror.  I misted her hair and divided it into sections. She wouldn't stay still at all. I tried my best. All I had were my big scissors. You know the kind. The ones with 6" blades. Not good for cutting hair. The bigger the scissors, the bigger the mistakes.  I clenched my teeth, and went to whittling away.

Hannah doesn't understand 'hold still' or 'don't move' or 'keep your head here'.  She can't just look with her eyes, either. She has to turn her entire head.  I had to work around that.  I didn't mess up. I was glad. The final product was exactly what I was looking for.  I had caught the clippings in my left hand as I had snipped with the scissors in my right. I laid the hair on the counter so I could help Hannah down.

Mistake.  Never saw that one coming.

Hannah glanced over and saw the hair laying there. She got so mad at me.

"Aww! My hair! My hair, Mommy! Now, what am I gun do?" That is Hannah speak for 'what am I going to do?'

I cracked up. She tensed up.

Bad reaction, Mom.

I sobered up and gave her a hug. I told her she could grow more, if she wanted to. She smiled and said, "Okay" and ran off.  Crisis averted. Super Mom saves the day.

Check time.

Thirty minutes have elapsed. Total. Good grief.

I started eyeing the Coca-Cola.

I said I was giving up coffee, right?


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