Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unexpected Visitor

I love surprises. Even two-year-olds found in unexpected places types of surprises.

Today was a huge day for us girls.  Everyone made it out of bed in a timely matter. Breakfast, teeth and hair brushing tackled, and shoes made it on the correct feet on schedule. You could tell it wasn't a Monday!

Madelyn's parent/teacher conference was scheduled at 1:30 today. School let out at 12:15.  We live a mere 7 minutes from the school, via Kiddy Limo. To help give the families something to do during conference down time, the school held a Craft Bazaar and Health Fair.  They also had the Military Clinic on site with free flu vaccines for Military and their dependents. That fair started at 1:00.  Yes. Another day of everything happening back-to-back-to-back. But I was super mom. I can do it!

We picked Madelyn up on time. Audrey needed to eat her lunch, so we walked home so she could nurse. After spending fifteen minutes there, we went back to the school to get in line for the flu vaccines.  We arrived at 12:45.  The girls went to play on the playground and Audrey and I hung out with the other Mommys.

At 12:55, I called for the girls and they came to stand in line with me. Unfortunately, the announcement was made that the nurses had vehicle trouble, and they were running twenty minutes late. Oh boy.  That put my conference at 1:30 dangerously close to the 1:20 commencement of the shots.  And I wasn't first in line.  Or near the front at all.  What made it worse, was that I wasn't near the back, either.  If I left to go to the conference, I would lose my place in line.


One-fifteen came, and the organizer stepped out of the doors. All of us pushed forward. We were ready to get in out of the sun and get poked.  This was our only opportunity for flu shots. The clinics on post said they didn't have enough for dependents, so only the active duty sponsors were on the list for the shots. So we were very antsy to be the first in line. Plus, this was the only time the nasal mist vaccine would be available.  That is an answer for needle-shy six year-olds like my Madelyn. She looked at me, scared, wondering if they would run out before we got our chance.

Then we heard wonderful words. We heard amazing words.

"Anybody have a one-thirty conference?"

"YES! I DO!"

"Here. You take ticket number one. Go on in."

Yey!  I was so happy. I am a very charming person, and had become life-long friends with all the other Mommys in the line, so they were very happy to step aside and let me through. Right.

After presenting Military ID and shot records for all three girls, we were approved for vaccinations by the pediatrician, who happened to be my girls' doctor, and sent into the shot-room.  One-twenty. I have ten minutes. Then the chaos ensued.  The needles weren't correct. I don't know if they were too big, or too little. But five-eighths was muttered quite often with a lot of tension.  The nurses seemed a bit disorganized, and rushed. I felt bad for them. But I really needed four vaccines to be administered so I could get to my conference.

Finally, they were ready. One-thirty. Crap.

Hannah went first. I had to hold Audrey on my left hip because she was done with the Limo. Madelyn sat in the Captain's chair of the stroller, watching in horror as the inevitable doom was about to be inflicted on her little sister. She didn't seem concerned enough to stop her, though.  Hannah watched everything the nurse did.  I reached around behind Hannah and told her to grab my thumb with her right hand. She was busy watching the alcohol pad being swiped across her left thigh.  I didn't want her to see the needle coming towards her. I told her to squeeze my thumb until it popped off. She looked towards the right at my hand, then at me like I was a bloody idiot, then zeroed in on the nurse.  Oh boy. She's going to kick and fight and scream and lunge for me. I won't be able to hold her down with Audrey on my hip.

I braced myself.

Nothing happened. Hannah watched closely as the shot was administered and the bandaid was applied.


Hannah hopped down and told Sissy it was her turn. Madelyn looked at me like she was ready to bolt. I reassured her that she was getting the mist. And she did. Audrey was mad at me for holding her tightly.  But as soon as I let go, she quieted down.

I couldn't get mine. I was in the pediatrics room. I had to go get in another line for adults. Great. Have to do it later.

I jetted out of there to go to the conference. One-forty. Madelyn's teacher was in the hallway and smiled when she saw me. I was happy to see that. I am glad she wasn't upset. I was the first of the day and begged for that time-slot.  But, Madelyn is a great student and we didn't have much to discuss. Her teacher explained about how the day progresses and all of the journals that the students keep. Then we went over the report card. Letter grades aren't assigned until second grade here. So Madelyn made M's, for mastery of concept.

I was much more relaxed after we left that classroom. We moseyed back to the multipurpose room so I could get my shot. There wasn't a line by then and I was able to get stuck and get out. And I did. Then we wandered around the fair for a while. We all had a pretty good time. And then Audrey, not so politely, reminded us it was nap-time.

Audrey crashed when we got home. It was about two-thirty.  I crashed, too. I was beat.

After supper tonight, I had put Audrey to bed, and started a video for the other two girls.  I use that time in the evenings to take my shower. Tonight went a little differently.

I had shut the water off and was getting ready to lean out to grab my towel. I shoved the curtain back out of the way and was scared to death by what I saw.

Perched, on the toilet, was Hannah. With just a shirt on.

"Hannah! You startled Mommy! Are you okay?"

"Yes, Mommy. Apple juice."


She pointed to the counter next to her.

"I want some apple juice, Mommy."

She had gone to the fridge and brought the apple juice into the bathroom, and stealthily waited for me to finish.

Good grief, child.

"Okay. Let's go get your cup first, though."

She was an unexpected visitor, but always a welcomed one.


Do you see something disturbing in this photo?

This is not me, nor my family.
I just found it posted on Pinterest last night.

If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

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