Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Final Countdown!

So we are finally within the two week mark in our countdown to Daddy returning. I have grown so much with him gone, through my children. I have grown in my determination, too. I just wish my patience had improved. But, I guess I am just not wired that way!

We have been back in West Texas for several weeks now. I was excited to be here for the entire month of July. No, going to the desert in July does not sound like fun. But July in El Paso is special.

It is the rainy season!

For about ten days, we have been forecasted to have 30% chance of precipitation every day and night. The high temps have been around 86 degrees. We've even had a lot of rain, too!

Here is a picture of the rain coming in from just the other night:

I was really pretty intimidated about seeing that. I was driving home from the new Wal-Mart (yes, that will be another blog) and had to pull over to take a picture of it. It was weird and spectacular.

So it started raining around 8 in the evening. It was a huge thunderstorm for about four hours, then gentle until 5 AM. It was so relaxing! The girls slept until 8:45 that morning.

Then we went outside to see what a wet desert looked like.

Audrey found the mud. She was laughing so hard. She kept jumping back into it. Face first.

It rained again this afternoon. The ground was so saturated, we had a little collection pool at our back door. This time, the girls put on their suits.

So we have been doing a good job of keeping ourselves entertained. We went to the theater for the summer movie series. For $3 a person, you got  a popcorn and a soda and admission. Today's flick was Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. Audrey did not fare well there. Forty-five minutes into it we called it quits and went to play at the park.

I've also learned a lot about bike tires. My bike buggy had suffered from the sand spurs that are everywhere down here. I've learned how to remove the valve stem core and install the never-flat serum into the tube. I was airing it back up, and noted that it said forty PSI. I stopped at thirty to check it, and it blew up in my face. I had the slime all over me and my ears were ringing for about ten minutes.

After feeling completely deflated, hahaha, I let it sit a day. I decided to tackle it this afternoon. I went to Wal-Mart and found a new tube that stated it will never go flat. I even found a tool to use to get the tire off the wheel.  It took me two minutes to have the new tube installed and the wheel mounted back on the buggy. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I reflected on all the things that I have learned via self-taught. I am glad that I am building quite a library!

I've been playing in the kitchen as well. I made a frozen lemonade pie to see what it was like. Audrey loves it. But its really rich. Way too sweet, even for me. So it's all hers.

Our nights have been getting smoother. Now that I don't have Gramma and Papa D spoiling the girls, they are getting used to their routine. Audrey down at seven. Then Hannah, Madelyn and I get some puzzle time. Hannah down at eight, and Madelyn down at eight-thirty.

Madelyn has been a big help, too. She's even helped with meal planning.

Pork loin, steamed veggies, and homemade mashed potatoes
Thats about all for now. I am anxious to see what happens when Daddy gets home. I am excited, and am sure he will grow accustomed to living with women again.

If that's even possible.

If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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