Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Middle Child

Not much to say to introduce this entry. It is just some things from my Hannah that I am ready to share.

"Who is my Godmother?"
"Vonda, Sweetie."
"Oh wow! I didn't know she had wings!"
"Not that kind of Godmother, kid."

Audrey was running down the driveway.
"Hey! Get back here, Kiddo!"

"Hannah, you did a great job eating your supper. You are going to grow tonight, I can tell it!"
"That's because I'm a Cretoxyrhina."
(That is one of the huge shark creatures from back in Dinosaur times)
"Oh really. I didn't notice all the rows of teeth. I'll look closer next time."
"Yea. But be careful. They bite!"


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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