Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Selfish Children

Keeping your children alive is a difficult job. The responsibility of raising them so that they are an asset to society is even harder. Just listing the characteristics to deter your offspring from is daunting. That is why God has created the Family Set. If not for support, then for someone you can go whining to when you feel like you are failing.

I absolutely despise spoiled brats. I always thought it was the result of poor parenting. I realize, now, that sometimes it may be because no one will spank Grandma!

No, seriously, giving kids what they want when they want it is so, so bad for them.  Everyone can name at least three adults that are difficult because they have the same mentality of a two year-old.  My seven year-old seems to have come pre-programmed this way. I was in denial for first four years. I just said, "Oh, she is just a passionate child." I am working very, very hard to break that 'all about me' mentality. The worst part is when people who have that mind-set are totally clueless. Again, I blame the parents.

I was going through the check-out line at Wal-Mart this morning. The cashier had swollen eyes. She was a grandma. I asked if she was alright. She told me a story.

"My kids will not come home for Christmas. They never come home. When my kids were little, we loaded up every holiday and went to their grandparents house. I was excited to finally be at the place in life where I could host these wonderful gatherings. My daughter just says, 'Mom! You don't know what its like to travel with a five year-old!' I just want to slap her. Of course I know what its like! I had kids, too!"

"Oh, I am so sorry," I say. "What are the ages of your grandkids?"

"From ages nine to three."

"Oh, well, then it sounds like she needs to discipline her kids to ride better."

"Exactly," she replies.

"How far away is your daughter?"

She teared up. "Kansas City"

My eyes bugged out. An hour and a half away. And her youngest was five. Oh. My. Word. That was pathetic.

"And another story: For Thanksgiving, my son went to his in-laws in Wichita for three days. They went back home, but had to return to Wichita for a funeral a bit later. I asked if they would bring the kids over to Chanute to see me since they were so close. They said, 'No. We already drove all the way down from Salina. We aren't going to drive all the way over to Chanute.' I was just heartbroken. I have to work and can not take off much to go see them. I get so sad about the whole thing."

I was speechless. Salina. Her son lives in Salina. Two and a half hours away from Chanute. And he made the trip 'all the way to Wichita'. HA. That is about seventy miles.

Maybe there has been another drama issue going on in the family background that the children shouldn't travel to their mom's house.  Of course, there is always another side to the story. Another point of view. But she just made me sad thinking about how selfish her kids are.  If they couldn't afford to travel, that is completely understandable. But to not because it is 'so far away' and their five and three year old kids are 'too young to ride that far' is selfish.

I drove to my mom's house from El Paso alone this summer with a six month-old, two year-old, and a six year-old. It was a full two day drive. But we did it. It wasn't easy. But we did it. And I didn't think twice about it.

I am taking my now one year-old, two year-old, and seven year-old to Denver for Christmas. It's a days drive. But I am looking forward to it. Its only one day. Sheesh.  Plus I have a rear DVD player to keep kids entertained.  Remember road trips when you were little when all you had to play with was your brother or sister in the back seat? Kids have it so easy now.

Maybe that is the problem.

We are creating these little pacifiers for our kids, when, really, they are for us. Who are we hurting in the end? Our kids. And society for having to interact with our little brats.

But that is another blog...

Now, it is time for photos!

Papa D gets a coveted foot rub

Madelyn's Godmother sends goodies and games often. We are blessed to have Amy in our lives!

It took us a while to find Relph this morning. He was inside the cupboard.

Baking Elves preparing for the Cookie Exchange

Christmas Season is really picking up. Don't get caught up in the parade.

Enjoy the Season. Cherish the Reason.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email


  1. The house looks great! I miss you guys!

  2. Wow! What beautiful girls! They are getting so big!!! Miss you terribly!

  3. Sounds like some people I know. When we were in Or. I drove 8+ hours every year to go see my mom and dad. Started when Jake was 5 months old and yes I was alone with a 3 year old, a 5 month old and a puppy. Most of my drives to Idaho were alone with the kids and dog. I don't get it a two hour drive is nothing now a days plus I am sure the kid had some kind of video game or cel phone to play on. At least we are better to our loved ones. Kudoes to our parents who raised us well. ;) ~cv


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