Monday, December 5, 2011

Unexpected Responses

Kids are wonderful at conveying their innocence.  The way they see the world is magical.

Madelyn had five days off of school for the Thanksgiving holiday. She appreciated the opportunity to sleep in and have jammy days. I appreciated the opportunity to let her.

On Tuesday after, Gramma had to go to work, so she drove Madelyn to school.  Gramma parked a ways down from the entrance so she would have the chance to walk with Madelyn to the door. As they approached, Madelyn slowed her gate and practically stopped.

"Boy. School sure cuts into my family time." Madelyn can put things into perspective with just a simple statement.  It warmed my heart to know how much she cherishes the time she spends with her family. There aren't many kids who do that, or at least show it.

Later that week, Audrey and Hannah came down with terrible, fierce chest colds. They were up all night long, and were impossible to care for during the day.

One night, Hannah was having serial night tremors and Gramma couldn't calm her down. Gramma came downstairs to get me. I had just finished tucking Audrey back into bed for the umpteenth time and was reading a book on my iPhone. Gramma tapped my shoulder and I about fell out of bed. I had not heard Hannah screaming from the other end of the house and had no idea what was going on. Gramma ushered me up to Hannah's room and I tried to calm her the best that I could. The rest of the night I was shuffling back and forth between Hannah and Audrey. There was no sleep for the Army Mommy that night.

The next day, Gramma drove Madelyn to school again. I do not know how the conversation got started but it ended like this...

Madelyn: My Mom didn't sleep with me last night

Gramma: I know, honey. Audrey and Hannah were both very sick and your Mommy was busy taking care of them.

Madelyn: I wish she wasn't tired all the time.

Gramma: Well, I think she waits up some nights to talk to Daddy. She needs to get her rest, and try to talk to him in the morning.

Madelyn: No. She needs to talk to Daddy.

Gramma: Yes, but on days when she is exhausted, she needs to just go to bed and get her rest.

Madelyn: No. She needs to talk to my Daddy.

You can't argue with Madelyn. Not when it comes to issues with her Daddy.


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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