Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Colorado Christmas

When Jay and I got married, we agreed to treat holidays as divorced parents would children: alternate holidays the first year. Then switch them the subsequent years.

That worked great. In theory.  Then Jay's lifestyle set in quickly.

The year Christmas was with his family, he was deployed. So, I stayed with my folks with Madelyn. We would pick up next year where the system failed.

But, you know what? Our system never ran an entire cycle. Jay was always deployed, off on training, or away at school for multiple weeks at a time.

We had to make a decision.

Since Jay was gone, I made the decision for him. Wasn't that thoughtful of me? Didn't need to bother him with trivial issues, now, did I?

No matter where either of us were, we would stick to the system.  Even if that means we are at our in-laws without our spouse.

Praise the Lord that we both adore our in-laws, right!

So it all works out.  This year, Christmas was with Jay's family.  That left me with driving with three young children to Denver alone. Oh boy.

We did it. And it really wasn't bad at all! It's sometimes just the thought that can make it worse than it really is.

A few days after we arrived, there was an awesome snow.  We got over fourteen inches!

Jay was able to be online while we were opening our gifts Christmas morning. We sat the laptop on the recliner and left the webcam on and he watched us while we giggled and laughed together. That was awesome!

It sure was fun to live through your kids on Christmas morning. I always had glorious Christmas Days. But nothing had prepared me for what I'd feel as a parent on that sacred morning!

The kids quickly snapped me out of my moment. Audrey had disappeared. I found her in the bathroom. She had shut the door and unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper.

Madelyn received a paper doll kit. It was Barbie and over four feet tall! It came with twenty pieces of clothing and accessories. It sure kept her busy!

A few days later, the opportunity presented itself for Papa and I to attend a hockey game. It was a fantastic time! The tickets weren't ready at will call, so our group was upgraded to a Box Suite. So we had fabulous seats. It was fun being Jets fans sitting in Avalanche box seats :)

We had a fun stay. I got to go shopping, sans kids, and use all of my gift cards. So that was a major accomplishment!

We left Friday morning, on December 30th around fifteen til nine.  I was nervous about driving home with the girls. Our trip out had been pretty smooth, given the fact that the girls slept most of the way due to the nighttime driving.  I had debated leaving Friday night and trying for the same effect.  But, I would be antsy all day waiting to leave.  Plus, a nap was never guaranteed for me.  So, we headed out that morning.

Our trip went well. We stopped once in Goodland for fuel. That was about four hours away from Nana and Papa's. I pulled over again in Hays to let the kids play at the McDonald's Play Place.  I wouldn't let them eat. They had to run around for an hour.  Then I got their food to go and we were on the road again. I  was pleased at how well that worked out.

We stopped in Salina for the night to visit with Jerod and Megan, and got home around one the next afternoon.  The trip was great!

Except for the three days that it took me to unpack everything.

But Gramma was happy to have her girls back, and they were so excited to see Gramma.  They didn't let go of her for a few days.

Jay is on his way home for his two-week leave. Please pray for safe travels for him!

Until next time...


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

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