Thursday, January 26, 2012

Memories and Thoughts

I had finally got the kids to bed, had supper and had climbed into the shower.  I love taking a shower before bed. I get to wash off my day. Plus, I can't imagine climbing into bed with my awesome sheets with nasty body oil and sweat all over. Yuk!

Since the sound of the water drowns out the world around me, I do my heavy thinking in there.  Tonight, it was about memories that I have accumulated, and good feelings that I have stored away for sorting another day.

This is by no means a complete list. It was just what I came up with in my quick shower.

1.  Using my husband's shampoo or soap while he is away so I can still smell him when I go to bed.

2.  Snuggling with my husband's T-Shirt.

3.  Waking up to find that my three year-old has snuck into bed and made her way under my arm.

4.  My favorite part of HS revolves around the boys basketball team. No, not literally around the boys.  It was because during the home games I got to spend time with my girl friends on the dance team. We had so many laughs on game nights, just prior to performance.  On away games, I got to keep the score book. I absolutely loved that job.  And for all games, it was watching Coach do what he did best.  Plus, I had bets on if he would get a technical during that game or not. He was the most passionate person that I had ever met, and he conveyed that rather intensely during those close games!

5.  Getting in the truck and having a full tank of gas.

6.  Listening to my oldest read aloud.

7.  Whispering to my brother through the heater vent when we were little.

8a.  Rolling down the embankment on the back of my Gramma's pond when we were little.
8b.  Rolling down the embankment on the back of my Gramma's pond when we were little, and coming face to snout with a snake!

9.  Our parents taking us to Disney World for the first time in 1993.  We went straight to Casey's Hot Dogs at the end of Main Street USA at the Magic Kingdom. That has become a tradition for all of us for every time we return to Disney World. It is the first theme park we visit, and the first stop once there.

10.  Delivering our first child and hearing Jay tell me "It's a girl!"

11.  Walking into the living room after I had showered and finding that our oldest had snuck out of bed to snuggle with her daddy in his chair, and both were sound asleep.

12.  That moment when your one year-old stops crying and starts breathing those first deep breaths of sleep after suffering from an ear infection for a week.

13.  Anytime I ever got mail.

14.  The last glance at my father before they closed the casket and lowered it into the ground.

15.  The shocking moment, two years later when my mom told me that she's met another man.

16.  The relief to find out that other man was her David.

17.  Having a great Christmas with family and being able to use cash to pay for it.

18.  The first snow of every year.

19.  Hearing your school's name read on the cancellation list for snow days.  And, it applies to hearing your children's school, too!

I can go on and on with this list.  Just because I didn't have it on here, doesn't mean I am not thinking about it.  I think about these things when I get sad, or down about something in my life, or a close friend's.

I hope the good feelings that I have last me long enough to fall asleep soundly.

If not...

I am sure there will be a list of pet peeves for tomorrow night's blog...


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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