Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday with Hannah

Today is Ash Wednesday.

Tonight was Ash Wednesday service at my church.

I really wanted to go, because, honestly, I really had no idea what Ash Wednesday was all about. Hannah wanted to come with me. So we loaded up and headed on in to town.

There were a few others there tonight. It was very welcoming, and my pastor does a fabulous job of making these special services memorable.  After singing a few hymns, he told us a little about the history of Ash Wednesday, and how it has come to be celebrated in the Western Christian cultures.

No, you don't have to be Catholic!

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This was when Jesus began his fast that lasted forty days.  We choose forty days before Easter to observe Lent, not counting Sundays. I didn't know that part. This was because Sundays were God's days anyway. We already sacrifice on that day for him.

Our pastor was reminding us that this time was to reflect on our sins that have preoccupied our lives. Upon hearing 'preoccupied', my Hannah turns to me questioningly and asks, with her eye brows furrowed, "Pumpkin Pie?!?"

I stifled a giggle.

"No, honey. No pumpkin pie. Preoccupied."

"Pumpkin Pie?!?!"

"Sure. Pumpkin Pie."

After we celebrated communion, our minister began to light a tier of candles before the closing.

"Fire," Hannah yelled!

"It is okay, honey. It is a controlled burn."

"Don't touch it, Harry!" Hannah was very concerned.

"He will be fine, babe. He knows what he is doing."

Of course she only spoke when the entire sanctuary was silent.

But, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Me and Hannah with our Ash Crosses on our Foreheads


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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