Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's All in the Timing

I have a regret about moving back to Kansas.

Well, besides being away from the fun activities and support systems at Ft. Bliss, I have a regret about moving back to Kansas.

I don't have as much time to write here.

Isn't that just mind-boggling?  It just blows me away, honestly.

Here, I have my mom and David jumping to help with whatever hair-brained idea that I come up with.  So, I have childcare, a grocery delivery service, and a live-in handyman.  Wouldn't I have all the time in the world to let my creative juices flow and just write.

Simple answer.


We are busier than ever!  But, it is fun. Mom and David work during the day, so I get to spend the mornings doing housework and playing with Hannah and Audrey.  When Madelyn gets home from school, its game on!

First, Madelyn helps give Audrey her bottle when she wakes up from her nap.

Then we watch Papa D do his chores in the backyard.

Yes, Audrey is standing in the window sill.

We have some quiet time before bed. I love how happy my girls are. :)

The other morning, I was doing laundry. Audrey loves helping me. She stands at the dryer and catches the clothes that I pull out of the washing machine. She tries with all her baby-might to get them into the dryer. I fling a dryer sheet in, she slams the door, I press the start button, and we go running through the house looking for trouble.

This particular morning, after about five minutes, I heard a weird sound coming from the back of the house.

Thump-thump. Th-Th-Thump. Th-Thump Thump Th-Thump. Thump.

What could that be? Hannah came to me and asked what that sound was. So we went to investigate.

It wasn't hard to narrow it down. It was obvious that it was coming from the laundry room.  The pocket-door was pulled shut, but it was vibrating in coordination with all the ruckus.

I slowly slid the door back into the wall, and cautiously crept over to the dryer.  I opened the door, and I found...

...four shoes in the dryer.  Four shoes. In the dryer.

Apparently, every time I went back up to the washer to grab another load to hand Audrey, she turned around, grabbed a shoe, and placed it in with the clothes.

She had perfect timing, because I had no idea she had moved at all!

And, if you didn't notice, another odd part about this story was that there were four shoes in the dryer, and all four landed on top of the clothes when I opened the door! That never happens when it is something important that I need to find.

So there is a glimpse into our week. I sure hope I can write more often. It isn't that I don't have material, because there is plenty to go around.  I am just too exhausted to get it in digital format at the end of the day.

But, I will try better.

I promise.

Tomorrow :)


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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