Friday, September 16, 2011

Do you understand what 'understand' means?

Scolding children is always a challenge. Its hard because you are upset about whatever it is that they did, and their reaction to your rant may not always be what you expect.

Hannah baptized Gramma Mary's floor this past June.  I had just checked on her in the bath, and went and sat down in the living room.  I swear, three seconds later, Gramma walked in the back door and started screaming, "Where is all this water coming from?"  Crap.

I dashed up to look, too. Sure enough. A river was making its way from the bathroom and down the back hall.

Upon our hasty investigation, Hannah was discovered to be pouring water by the cupfuls out of the bath onto the super big case of toilet paper kept by the tub.  Whoops.

She was disciplined and life went on.

After we moved to El Paso, Hannah struck again. She poured water out of the tub. She was caught cup-handed, spanked, and removed from the bath. This was a suitable punishment because she adored bath time.

Three weeks later, she did it again! But this time, she pulled toilet paper into the tub, as well.  I lost it. I grabbed her by the arms to hold her still and leaned down so our eyes met.

"Hannah! You can't do that! You will ruin the floor. The water belongs in the bathtub. You are getting a spanking for pouring the water out. *spank* You are getting a spanking for ruining the toilet paper, too *spank* Now, don't ever do that again, do you hear me? Do you understand?"

Hannah looked at me bright eyed and replied...


She didn't understand?!? I had to leave the room and laugh. I didn't want her to see me laughing and think it was a positive reinforcer.  But it was pretty darn cute.  Now I need to figure out how to ask her if she gets what I'm saying.

This is my Hannah

1 comment:

  1. While this has been so much fun, it has also been a HUGE learning experience. Please let me know what you think so I can make it better and more enjoyable for you! Thank you for all of your feedback!


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