Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Intimidating Experiences

Is it the Doctor himself that has the power to intimidate, or his staff?

Audrey has been having some issues with her diet, my diet (I'm nursing), and her digestive system.  Recently, we've been referred to a specialist to find out just what is going on.

Upon calling his office to make the initial appointment, I was greeted by a very speedy speaker. It was very hard to understand what she was saying. See, I live on the border near Mexico, and most of the people here are native Spanish-speakers.  So, their English has a slight twist to it. I don't mind it if I can read their lips. But, the phone is a different monster.  (And if you question my phone skills, please see the first blog posted.)

After saying, "Pardon," a few times, I could tell that I was making the receptionist frustrated.  She began to talk very slowly.

"New. Patients. Must. Phone. Between. Nine. And. Eleven. In. The. Morning. To. Make. An. Appointment."

"Oh," was my reply. SERIOUSLY? I can't even make an appointment because it is two o'clock in the afternoon?  Alright. Whatever.

I phone the next day at nine-thirty. After taking my insurance information, contact information, Audrey's measurements and weight, and being placed on hold for three minutes in between each of my replies, I was given my appointment time.  I thanked her for her help and wrote "Audrey Doctor Santos" on Wednesday, August 31st at 2:15 P.M.

Relieved that I got that task out of the way without stuttering or stammering, (again, see first blog) I went on my merry way of housework.  Then it hit me.


I have to pick Madelyn up from school at 3:15. How am I going to get all the way back here from the other side of the mountain?  Way to go, Space Case. You were so intimidated by that receptionist that you didn't even THINK about your other obligations. Sheesh.  No problem. Jay can get Madelyn. Yes, Jay can pick her up. He's still here.

After phoning Jay, it was set. Emergency diverted. He will be able to get off of work to get Madelyn in time.

Well, that appointment was kept and I noticed a sign in the waiting room. 'There will be a $25 fee assessed if cancelled appointments are not made at least 24 hours in advance.'  I arrived at two o'clock so I would have time to fill out the 'New Patient' paperwork.  It was three o'clock when I noticed the sign, still waiting to be seen. I wondered to myself, "if you are going to charge me if I have to cancel at the last minute, will you reimburse me for MY time that I waste sitting in the little room when you are running massively behind schedule?" Just another stab at the intimidation factor they have going there.

Anyway, the nurse called us in after another fifteen minutes.  The doctor ordered a few tests. After those were performed and evaluated, his office called to let me know the results.

"The doctor would like you to come in with Audrey to go over the results of the tests.  Your next appointment is Wednesday, September 14th at 2:45 P.M."

"Okay, got it. We will be there."


"Wait! Wait! I can't! Something is going on that day. Umm...what was it? It's Heather's birthday. No, something else... I have to get my daughter from school!" I shouted in time. She was still on the line.  She was confused, but still there. "I am available from nine o'clock until two-thirty," I say.  That is a huge window. "Get me something in there."

"Well, we open the office at two. If you can be here at ten 'til two, we will see you promptly at two. But, you must be here at ten 'til two."

"Okay. Got it. Thank you!"  Then, I thought, why not give me two o'clock in the first place?

So, today was September 14th. I had meticulously planned my morning. Maddy to school, Audrey nap, Hannah and Audrey snack, run errands, home by eleven, girls' lunch, girls' nap, wake at ten 'til one, leave for doctor's appointment.

And I got it all done!  Audrey woke up on time for a quick snack. She helped me gather items for the trip around the mountain and the wait in the office. Tippy cups. Munchies. Baby rattles. Loaded iPhone with Little Einsteins for Hannah. Pacifiers. All ready to go.  Just have to go get Hannah.  Wake Hannah from nap. Load girls into truck. Back out driveway, and head off to UTEP Children's Hospital.

After the forty minute drive around the mountain, we arrive on campus. Stop at every corner for the little college girls to cross the street, taking their sweet little size-two time. We make it to the top of the hill and find a parking space.

"Mommy! Where my shoes? My shoes gone!"

"Whaaaaaaat??? Hannah? Where are your shoes?"

"I don't know."

Crap.  In my haste, I swooped up my precious two year-old and forgot to grab her shoes.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Well, just stay in the stroller, please?!? Okay?"

"Okay, Mommy!"

Bless her little heart. (I live in the South. Everything is Darlin' and every heart is blessed here.) She stayed in her stroller and was a champ! I have a Sit-n-Stand stroller and she sat in the middle seat part facing forward and kept her feet tucked in the basket. No one noticed she didn't have shoes. At least, no one pointed it out to us.

I was so worried about making a good impression on this doctor and his staff that I forgot my daughter's shoes. I was mortified.

I vowed to never again let anyone have that much psychological pressure over me.

Well, until I make the follow-up appointment in two weeks.

I am sure that will be another Blog entry.

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