Everyone has something to offer but me.
I would pout about this statement on a regular basis. My brother has a connection with Philips Electronics, and his wife has one with Ford. My mom has a connection with her David and Misty has one with the Bible.
I have a degree in Mathematics and Secondary Education, yet, no one ever called and asked me for help. Well, Jay's co-worker did for her college algebra. You know, I felt alive again doing that math. I loved it. I felt like 'me' again!
But, today, I heard God. I end my prayers at night with a plea to help me hear Him, and today, he answered!
I was, again, dwelling on how useful everyone else can be. Then I got the head-slap from Our Father and he actually yelled at me.
"I gave you three children. You are a professional mommy. I gave you the Mommy Connection, and that is the greatest."
I second that Amen!