Thursday, September 15, 2011

Watch What You Say

With three kids, I have learned that what I say at any given moment, can and will be repeated by those tiny little mouths of my young ones.

I have always tried to keep my tongue bitten. It is very hard. For those of you who have known me the longest, you know how much like my father I truly am.  But now that there are kids around, I have to try even harder.

Its easy to try the 'replacement' method. You know the 'S' expletive can be replaced with 'Sugar'.  My two year-old uses 'Crap' a lot. So much to the point where I have begun using it. (See previous blogs.) She got that from her Grandmother. Thank you for that!

But today I had a huge outburst out of nowhere. I was at my MoPS group working on a craft. I was painting a plate. I realized that I was painting on the wrong side. Again, if you know me, you understand. Out of the blue, I yell, "Stacy, you retard!"

Whaaaat?!? Where did that come from? We had just heard a devotion about a mother who had a mentally troubled son and she never gave up on him.  Everyone was sensitive to children with special needs in the room after hearing that story. And what do I do? I yell "Retard," for all to hear.  I just knew all eyes behind me were boring their way into my skull. How could I be so insensitive? What makes it worse is the fact that I, nor anyone in my household, uses that term. Ever. Crap. Er...ugh!

My friend next to me was comforting me. She said that people can get too sensitive to things like that.  It helped. A little. For a while.

So I decide to trudge on with my project. I flipped the plate and started painting on the correct side. It was adorable! I made a pink purse with an 'H' monogram on it. I was just a humming along, chatting with the ladies, and I decided I needed to rinse the pink paint from the paint brush and head on into the black. So, I reached across and dunked my brush into the water for a good rinsing. wasn't the water cup.

Yep. I did it again. Space Case. I plunged my brush into my cup of pink lemonade.

"Oh!" I said. But, I stopped myself there. Who knows what else would come out of my mouth. The verbal control was present. Yey! But, my mind started following the path of what would I have said? My imagination has free run on my day. I got so carried away playing out possible outcomes to possible outbursts that I got thirsty.

So I reached out to get a drink.

Yep. From the lemonade cup.

The moment it hit my lips, I stopped. Sheesh.

I quit.

My Monogrammed Plate and Me. The baby is borrowed.

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