Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Washcloth Thief

Boy are we enjoying the new time change. I understand that daylights savings time is now 'on', and I am appreciating that terrible thievery of my sleeping hour on that dreaded Sunday more as the girls grow.

Time does tend to get away from me. Madelyn has been a great student and finished her homework as soon as we get home. We rip open the back door and race outside. We play with a little kitchen, have picnics with snacks and juice, and we even go hunting for neat fossils in the limestone rocks and gravel that is our driveway. It is not until someone's tummy rumbles that we realize that we need to go inside for supper.

And baths.

I hate giving the girls their baths.

We hurried and ate left-overs last night. Then Audrey and Madelyn took a dip in the tub. After much squealing about washing hair, shampoo in ears, and water in eyes, they were out, dry, and roaming around in their jammys.

Then it was Hannah's turn. Hannah was alone this time. She usually goes with Audrey, but this time I wanted to see what Aud would do with Maddy in the tub. It wasn't as eventful as I had hoped.

So, this situation left Audrey roaming the house while I was busy with Hannah.

Are you ready?

Hannah hates having the water poured over her head. Really, what kid does?!? But, after every rinse, I have to have a dry washcloth there to dry her face off entirely. It is a lengthy process, but it gets the job done.

This time, I used the washcloth, and laid it beside me. I repeated the process. Dump water, grab cloth, wipe face. Dump water, grab cloth, wipe face.

Only this time, the cloth wasn't there. I thought I had dropped it in the tub and it had settled under the bubbles to a shallow grave.

No problem. I just reached in the cabinet behind me and grabbed another one.

Dump water, grab cloth, wipe face.

Dump water, grab clo...what?!? Where is my cloth? What did I do with it this time?!?

Hannah giggled.

"Mommy, you lost it!"

"Yep. I sure did! I have lost it in so many ways!"

I grabbed another cloth.

Wipe face. Dump water. grab cloth, wipe face. Dump water, grab clo...


I stood up. I took a step back and I knocked Audrey over.

"Oh, sweetie! I had no idea you were here! You were so quiet and...OH AUDREY! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE!"

I knew what happened to my washcloths now! I knew they had been hauled off by my stealthy toddler.

Audrey chuckled. She has moved beyond the giggle of a baby. It was a full blown chuckle.

I looked at her suspiciously. Why was she laughing like that?

Then I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I know exactly where I needed to look for those three washcloths.

Do you?

I will give you a moment.

No, I can't wait.

In the toilet were three lovely washcloths, waiting to be fished out.

What is it with my kids and toilets?!?


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email

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