Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The P/X is Rated G

Have you ever walked into a room and felt everyone staring at you like you had your dress tucked into your underwear?

Today was ‘errand’ day.  After the struggle of waking up forty minutes late, yet still getting Madelyn to school on time, I managed to get the house cleaned and the youngest down for a nap.  Hannah danced in the living room while I worked on the computer.

An hour later, Audrey woke up, had a bite to eat, and we were off.  First stop was to be the med counter at the Crossing, then the Shopette for a tank of gas, and, finally, the Self-Help building for some grass seed.

The three of us strolled up to the medicine counter. I ordered some allergy meds and waited patiently at the window. The girls were sitting quietly in the cart, noting that everyone was staring at them with a huge smile.  I get that a lot. My kids are kind of cute. 

After signing for the meds, I turned the cart around, and headed towards the P/X. No, it wasn’t on my original list, but there was a sale flyer in the cart that advertised my Secret antiperspirant/deodorant for $1.  It was normally over $2.50, so this was a great deal.

Hannah decided she needed to walk. I didn’t argue. I wanted her to be more independent. So, I placed her on the floor next to me, and kept on chugging along. The marketplace wasn’t busy at all, so I let her dally behind me a few steps. The marketplace is a huge square area that is full of kiosks that you could find at a mall.  Some are there permanently, and some have vendors that may only stay a few days at a time.  So, there is usually something different there for me to see. I was gawking at a new vendor that had t-shirts with catchy phrases on them when I realized that my shadow was a little farther back than I had liked.

I kind of flicked my head back and asked Hannah to step up the pace. She replied with something of a mumble.

“What, sweetie,” I asked as I perused the shirts.

“Mom! My diapaht berkshen!”

“Honey, I can’t understand you with that paci. You were supposed to leave that paci in the car. You remember the rules. Paci in the car and in bed only.” Yep, still fingering all the t-shirts. I found a great one with several dinosaurs. Hannah loves dinosaurs. I wanted an extra small for her. Oh! A pink one!

“Mom! Mirsh dipath brickensh!”


“Excuse me, Miss,” the vender broke in. He just grinned at me. Then he pointed.

He pointed in Hannah’s direction.

Uh-oh.  I turned my head and the world spun in slow motion. Everyone there was smiling at me. Yep. Hannah had pulled a ‘Hannah’.

Standing in the middle of the marketplace was my darling, two year-old, Hannah. She was standing with her dress pulled above her ears waiting for me to figure out what she was trying to tell me.

“Mom! My diaper broken!”

The Velcro had worked loose and her diaper had dropped to the floor.

My daughter was standing in the middle of the marketplace butt-naked, with her dress held high for all to see her dilemma.

And I was preoccupied with a t-shirt.

After mentally patting myself on the back for being such a great, attentive mother, I scurried over to her and quickly reattached the diaper.

“Thanks, Mom!” Hannah gave me a huge hug and snuggled into my neck. I had felt terrible.  But, I know that she forgave me, and she would move past this entire incident.

I hope that I can.

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