Monday, September 19, 2011

Rewind! Rewind!

Its amazing how much patience you can have when you really need it.  Sometimes.

Madelyn has been after me to make a Red Velvet cake. She knows that my birthday is approaching and she knows that it is my favorite birthday treat.  She is sucking up because she also knows that her birthday follows mine. :)

I finally managed to get a cake mix at the commissary.  After school last Monday, we got my trusty Kitchen Aid mixer out and began to gather the other ingredients.  We didn't get far. I had only two eggs. We needed three.

So, after listening to Madelyn whine about not getting to make a cake, I started to put everything away.

"I will go back to the store tomorrow, Madelyn, and get you an egg."

Tuesday came.  There was a briefing about my husband's impending travels, so I didn't make it to the store on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, I had Audrey's doctor's appointment. (See 'Intimidating Experiences') I did run errands that day, but managed to forget to get eggs. Ugh.

Another 'tomorrow' came, and it was my MoPS meeting. I rushed to the store after dropping Madelyn off at school to buy some bagels. I couldn't get eggs then. They would sit in car for hours. Have to go it another time.

On Friday, four days after Monday, and four days after I had promised to get eggs 'tomorrow', I had managed to purchase eggs.  Yey!

At one o'clock, I laid three eggs out on my counter to come to room temperature. I went and picked Madelyn up from school, and at three-fifteen, we started, again, to make a Red Velvet cake.  We got the mixer out, again, and mixed our goodies together. We carefully timed the thirty second mixing period, then then two-minute beating period.

"Mom! How about cupcakes?"

"Sure! Get the papers out and line the muffin tin."

And it was done.

I began filling the liners with the deep red batter as Madelyn sat on the edge of the sink licking the beaters.  I turned and placed the tin in the oven and set the timer.

"Only nineteen minutes, Madelyn."

"Great mom," she said with batter from ear to ear and a little up her nose. "But, when do we put the eggs in?"

Whaaaat? Crap. There they were. Sitting on the counter.

I had forgotten the eggs.

Madelyn giggled as I opened the oven, pulled the tin from the rack, and began to milk the batter from each liner back into my batter bowl. I gave her a glare. Then I smiled. "It's alright," I kept saying to myself. It's an easy fix. I explained to her how even though I was totally exasperated by this entire experience, that I was not going to give up and that we will prevail.

I added the eggs and beat the batter a while longer. We decided that cupcakes were not totally necessary and elected to just make a nine by thirteen cake.

After the cake had spent thirty-three minutes in the oven, I decided to turn it on.


1 comment:

  1. This is good! Soon you will be in Milspouse Magazine!! We need more proud Army wives!!!!! Good luck in your fourth deployment.


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