Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Epic Fail!

We end some sad stories with, "well, they had the best of intentions." Intentions do not get you very far. It is the result that matters. And that is, in itself, the sad story.

Madelyn took her daddy leaving unexpectedly hard. She has always been a 'mommy's girl'. But that moment when Jay got in the truck, she came running at him, screaming, "I wanna go with you! Take me with you!"

Heartbreaking doesn't begin to describe it.

Jay swooped her up, the only way that a Daddy could, and held her so tight. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and held on for dear life. There was no prying her off. It took a Papa and a Nana there to distract her.

Hard for a father to go though. So difficult to watch, as a mother, who won't return for six hours to comfort her little girl. I praise the Lord that Nana and Papa were there to help.

The next day, I anticipated Madelyn to be difficult. But, she wasn't. She cried in her cereal, but it didn't last long. I distracted her with talk about the ice cream party at school.

Last night, Madelyn was in a 'devastated' mood.  I comforted her, and told her to go watch a movie. I was cleaning up the kitchen and going to go snuggle her when I was finished.  Hannah was in the bottom bunk already. Madelyn climbed up into her bed and nuzzled her kitty.  I pushed play on the VCR and left the room.

I will be gone fifteen minutes. Then I will be there to hold her, and hopefully she will drift off to sleep.

Audrey woke up a few times.  Her stomach was just bubbling away.  Neighbors dropped by to check on me, and another set came by to give us food from their refrigerator. They are moving Thursday. Gonna miss those guys!

So forty-five minutes after I promised to return, I hear massive sobs from the girls' room. Madelyn is in tears and in a full-out bawl.

"Sweetie, I am so sorry. I promise you are a priority. I will be ..."

Just then I noticed what video was in the player.  Hannah's favorite.

The Lion King

Mufasa's lifeless body lay on the canyon floor with Simba tugging at his ear begging him to get up.


I look up at my devastated Madelyn. I have tears in my eyes at my epic failure as a mother. I can't fix this. So I turned on a Barbie movie, and crawled into bed with Madelyn.  And cried with her.  Hard.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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