Tuesday, October 18, 2011

When Boredom Strikes...

When I was little, I never dared mention that I was bored.  A) There was so much to do that I never really got bored. B) If those words did happen across my lips, I was met with, "Then I will give you something to do," from one of my parents.  That something was never something that was a priority on any of my lists.

I've had a rough go with Audrey. Her stomach and digestive system haven't ever been quite right, and when she is in pain, she lets you know.   Starting at about three yesterday afternoon, she began fussing. It didn't end until about seven this morning. It was a night of waking every forty-five minutes to help console her. She got over the pain this morning, and was back to being a wonderful little baby again. Whew! But, I was exhausted!

Today, I chose to put Hannah and Audrey in child care. I have several free hours a month, since Jay is deployed. It is a great building with awesome staff. Hannah likes it so much she calls it 'school' and begs for it daily. I thought, what the heck? Let's indulge her for today. I phoned and made a reservation, and off we went.

I walked the girls over there and was back rather quickly.  I have to laugh at myself, because I have a stroller that I can safely stow all three of my children. I call it the Kiddy Limo.  The laughing part is how ridiculous I must look pushing that huge, empty stroller back home. :) I don't usually just push it home. I am usually skipping, thinking of the possibilities of how I am going to spend my day. I walked in the back door and everything was quiet. Ahhh...

I had cleaned the house yesterday. So I didn't need to do that. The new operating system was released for my iPhone and iPad. So I updated them.  Humph. It said an hour until finished. Now what do I do?

You guessed it!


I had two and a half of wonderful, blissful, uninterrupted sleep. It was the most sleep I have had in such a long time. Well, consecutively. I woke up rearing to go.

I took my empty Kiddy Limo over to get Madelyn from school, then to pick up the little girls. Hannah had a wonderful day, and they told me that Audrey was a good baby, too. Yey! Just what a mommy likes to hear.  So we headed back home.

After snacks, and homework, we needed something to do.  Here I was again. What do we do? From four until about six is such a difficult time for me.  The girls are usually antsy and Audrey is winding down towards her six o'clock bedtime.

Let's do something for Daddy! I get out huge sheets of paper, and we write a message on it. The girls decorate it. Now, how to display it for him? I yelled, "Field Trip!" and we loaded into the car.

There is a fun awards field near Jay's office here at post. We went there.  Here are our photos.

I was focusing on Madelyn and Hannah running around behind Audrey

The girls loved that grass so much! It is artificial and feels great under your bare feet. So, we stayed a while and let the girls play.  They just ran and ran. They played more there than at the park with all the toys and swings. I had no idea they would enjoy it so much. Plus, it was only about seventy degrees out. That helped! 

After we got home, we had supper and got Audrey to bed. She was tuckered from almost thinking about trying to convince herself that she needed to crawl.  She went down fabulously.

I saw these pictures, and thought about how much fun it was taking them. The camera I have is great. So I got the girls' jack-o-lantern out and played with him. I set my camera on manual and adjusted some settings. I turned the ISO all the way up as high as it would go. It was at 1600. 

 Pretty spooky, I know!

Then, I remembered to slow my shutter speed down. This is 1/4 second

If 1/4 was that much difference, what would 20 seconds do? Let's see...

Wow! That face is glowing! And it was just as dark in there as the first shot!

I needed another model. I had to recruit.

Yes, my Madelyn stood perfectly still for a six-second click on the shutter. She didn't move a bit, or you would see some blur on her features. She did great!

So, I ended up not being so bored today. I am glad that I have three great friends/kids to share my time with, but am also glad that I have some alone time to just figure out what I am doing in the first place. I don't really know what to do when I'm not a mom or a wife.

Maybe dabble some more in photography...


If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email thearmymommy@gmail.com

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