Monday, October 3, 2011

What Motivates Us?

We say that we don't have time for certain things. But, is it that they aren't important enough to make time for?

The Potty Chronicles are the days of trying to get Hannah to use the potty. She needed self motivation to get started. I tried bribery and other various reward mechanisms to get the point across. None of them worked.

Jay didn't understand this. He tried his own version, and got a very different result.

Jay's folks were due in yesterday evening. The girls had been prepared for their arrival and were waiting for that ring of the doorbell.

Jay asked Hannah, "Do you need to go sit on the potty before Nana and Papa get here?"

"No, Daddy!"

"Are you sure? Papa will give you a hundred dollars if you go potty!"

Out of no where, we heard a door slam. We all jumped. It wasn't the front door. It was from the middle of the house.

We hear giggling.

Madelyn was in the bathroom. She was excited to earn a hundred dollars from Papa.

We were all laughing, and had to explain that the deal only applied to Hannah.  Jay also had to explain that he was just teasing.

Sometimes the motivation affects those around us without our knowledge.

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