Sunday, October 30, 2011

When Everything Goes Your Way...

Of course we have those days where everything is a disaster. But, do we ever have its inverse? I am not talking about opposite, where everything goes smoothly, but the true inverse, where things seem to be 'fixed' right in front of your eyes.

I put the girls into Child Care last week. I was leaving the center with a truly elated feeling. I was excited about getting my hair cut. I only get this opportunity about twice a year, so it kind of is a big deal for me.  I decided to go ahead and dig out my Military ID while I was stopped at a stop sign. I got my walled out, and there was a huge hole staring at me. The world started to close in on me. My ID slot was vacant. I couldn't breathe. Jay was half way around the world and he had to be present for me to get a new one. I couldn't get on post again without this little piece of plastic. Or healthcare. Oh no!

I closed my eyes and thought hard. I had it at the air show. Oh no! Did I lose it there? It is so gone if I did. Then I remembered that the girls got shots since then. Shot Record! I checked the clear plastic envelope and there was my ugly mugshot staring back at me. Oh praise the Lord! I was hoping that it wasn't going to be that kind of day for me. It turned out to be so much better.

I made it to my hair appointment on time. The lady had never cut my hair before, so I was nervous. She did a fabulous job. I was able to eat my lunch in peace at home. I opened the dishwasher and not a single one of the seven tippy cups in there had flipped and filled with nasty dish water. That was truly amazing for me! I was able to get five loads of laundry folded and put away, all floors swept, vacuumed, and mopped. I picked up random clutter from all over the house and had a roast in the crock pot simmering for supper.  The girls were in Child Care for just five hours, and an hour and a half of that time was used at the Paul Mitchell Salon. I checked the time to see how I was doing.  I still had 90 minutes left. Yey!

I balanced our budget, paid bills, and planned for Christmas.  I organized Halloween costumes, printed pictures for Jay, and cleaned out the truck.

I still had thirty-five minutes left. Whew. I spent that time on Pinterest. That went by very quickly!

Everything just seemed to go my way. It just seemed to flow in front of me. It was amazing. I counted my blessings for everyone in my life, and said prayers for those who were pressing in my heart. It sure was nice to pick up the girls and feel totally at ease and accomplished. It made the evening go so much smoother.

Saturday was a Halloween event at Freedom Crossing. We got to trick-or-treat the stores, and do the whole face-painting and photo booth again. It was a blast.  The photo booth picture hasn't been posted yet. I can't wait for that one!

Hannah the Pirate and Madelyn the Celestial Sorceress

Audrey had a dumdum. The slobbers made her Ladybug costume stick to her. heheheh
The girls made a great haul. They didn't just get smarties and jawbreakers, but chocolates, and Butterfingers, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Oh, and balloons.  

We made it home in time for naps for the two youngest. They went to Child Care that night so Madelyn and I could go to a movie. Puss In Boots was the choice. And I really enjoyed it. But I had a fun date, too.

Apparently, I wore her out. I found her in the chair like this, holding her toy from her kiddie bucket at the theater:

Today we tried for the Zoo. By the time we got there, the parking was atrocious. So, we circled the lot and headed right out the exit. We decided to check out a mall we had never been to before. It was the Sunland Park Mall, or something like that. It was a few miles, so I decided to make small talk.

"Madelyn, your room is a wreck."

"Well, you know, you do what you can."

Seriously, child? That was your reply. I lost it. I had to pull over and write that one down. It was classic.  She asked what I was doing. I told her I was taking inventory of my kids. Just making sure I had them all. I called off roll, and each kid answered with a yelp, and we were on our way again.


"Yes, Madelyn?"

"How many girls do you have in your loving care?"

Oh my goodness gracious! She just cracks me up.

It turns out it was an awesome mall! Great kiddie play land. It was clean and sparkly, and not crowded at all.

I had a coupon for free underwear at Victoria's Secret. I debated taking all three girls in there with me or not. It is getting pretty racy in all sections of that place. I decided to risk it. In and out. Couldn't be that bad.

The free ones were on the back table, of course. We had to walk through all the different levels of cleavage to get to them. I scooped up the first pair I saw in my size and headed to the checkout. Madelyn was eyeing the lip glosses.  I told her in a few years she still wouldn't be able to shop in this store. :) I traded the coupon for the undies and we were headed back out the store. Whew. Nothing uncomfortable about that at all. Sheesh.

We had travelled down to the other end of the mall and up an escalator to find the food court.  I was walking, commanding the Kiddy Limo when I tripped on something. I was scanning the eateries and wasn't paying any attention to where I was going. I stopped and picked up Audrey's pink Paci. No surprise there. She usually did that.  But I could hear her slurping on something. I had to check it out. This is what I found:

Yep. They had put it on a shelf two-feet from the floor at Victoria's Secret. Where kids can see it. Audrey took full advantage and swiped a can. I was cracking up. She was holding it up like a bottle waiting for the milk. Oh good grief. I checked the bottom and it was a $15 can of adult pleasure. Whoops.

Madelyn asked, "What is that?"

"Stolen, Madelyn. We will take this back after lunch." I averted that issue. Yikes!

I put it in my purse so they would forget about it and I could return it.

But, as you can imagine a day in my life, we didn't leave the mall the same way. I forgot all about it in my handbag and it came home with me.

Its on my refrigerator. I am debating just mailing them a check for the $15 or just forgetting about it. So want to pay for it. My conscience is nagging at me.

But, seriously? On a shelf high enough a baby can grab it? That was inappropriate. No comments about having a baby in there in the first place, please.


We found a huge mirror. Had to pose. Not often that all of us are in a photo!


 If you have any questions or comments you would like to share directly with me, please email


  1. Love reading this blog. Keep them coming. I am experiencing exact same thing seems like. Love ya Stacy!! You are doing a great job as a momma!!

  2. I just realized something. This photo was snapped before we went up the escalator. That was before I found the can of cream in Audrey's clutches. Why isn't it in the photo? That is weird.


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