Friday, October 7, 2011

Simplest of Pleasures

What small things just do it for you?

For my kids, its a new box of crayons. For me, its that moment when all three kids are sound asleep. For my husband, its pizza. Pepperoni and mushroom, to be exact.

Jay phoned this morning at six-thirty.  I was just getting ready to get out of bed. I had been up all night with Audrey. I think she finally crashed at four a.m. We slept hard for those two and a half hours.  Hannah was up periodically, as well. She has a cold. So, I didn't get much rest. I haven't been able to sleep, anyway. Thoughts of Jay and the girls would just swirl around in my head. I couldn't put my mind to ease.

But that phone call changed everything.

I was told that we wouldn't hear confirmation of their safe arrival for about five to seven days.  They had so many stops on the way over.  But a mere thirty-six hours after I had left him, he was on the last leg of his journey. You could hear it in his voice. He was almost there.

I was thinking about how my journey has almost begun. This was my first day alone. Jay's folks stayed an extra day to help me get things organized. I got to run errands alone. It was nice, but I wished the situation was different. We said our goodbyes last night.

My heart was so heavy.

But the phone ringing so early, and a huge pause when I answered, was music to my ears.

He said he will try to call tomorrow, as well.

That, my friends, is way better than a new box of crayons.

Lazy Friday at Freedom Crossing

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